Configuring general SNMP settings Appliance Management Panel
a. Click the Add button. The Allowable Manager window opens.
b. Enter the IP address of the management computer.
c. Click OK to add the management computer.
To modify an allowable manager, complete the following steps:
a. Select an entry in the Allowable Managers list, then click the Modify button.
The Allowable Manager window opens.
b. Modify the entry as needed.
c. Click OK to save the change.
To delete an allowable manager, complete the following steps:
a. Select one or more entries in the Allowable Mangers list, then click the Delete
button. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
b. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
In the Trap Destinations area, specify up to four destinations to which this
appliance sends traps.
To add a trap destination, complete the following steps:
a. Click the Add button. The Trap Destination window opens.
b. Enter the IP address of the trap destination.
c. Click OK to add the trap destination.
To modify a trap destination, complete the following steps:
a. Select one or more entries in the Trap Destinations list, then click the Modify
button. The Trap Destination window opens.
b. Modify the entry as needed.
c. Click OK to save the change.
To delete a trap destination, complete the following steps:
a. Select an entry in the Trap Destinations list, then click the Delete button. You
are prompted to confirm the deletion.
b. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Complete one of the following steps:
•Click Apply to save any changes without exiting the AMP.
•Click OK to save any changes and exit the AMP.
•Click Cancel to exit the AMP without saving any changes.
If you clicked Apply or OK, you are prompted to confirm a reboot. The new settings
are not used until the appliance reboots. Complete one of the following steps:
•Click Yes to reboot the appliance. The AMP displays the status and indicates
when the reboot is complete.
•Click No to reboot at a later time.