Configuring Global Virtual Media settings Appliance Management Panel
encryption is optional, but at least one Keyboard/Mouse encryption level must
be selected.
In the Connection Sharing area, select sharing options as needed. If you select
Enable Share Mode, users can share KVM sessions for the same target device. If
you select Automatic Sharing, secondary users can share KVM sessions without
first requesting permission from the primary user. If you select Exclusvie
Connections, primary users can designate a KVM session as exclusive (exclusive
sessions cannot be shared). Selecting Stealth Connections enables
administrators to monitor a target device undetected. You can also specify in the
Input Control Timeout field the number of seconds the appliance will wait for
activity before transferring keyboard and mouse control from the primary user to the
secondary user.
Complete one of the following steps:
•Click Apply to save any changes without exiting the AMP.
•Click OK to save any changes and exit the AMP.
•Click Cancel to exit the AMP without saving any changes.
5.2.3 Configuring Global Virtual Media settings
Use the Global - Virtual Media subcategory to specify the settings for Virtual Media
Click the Settings tab in the AMP.
Select the Global - Virtual Media subcategory.
Video Session Time-out, Video Encryption and Connection Sharing are not
available for the KVM s2-1611 appliance (and will not be displayed).
Available only for the KVM s3-1621 and KVM s3-1641 appliances.