
Positioningthe Headset
It is recommended you stand infront ofa mirror whentrying to fitthe headset for
the first time. You can fit the headset on either the left ear or right ear by first
rotating theflexible arm over thetop of theheadset onto theleft side orright side
respectively. Grasp the headsetbetween yourthumb and indexand middle fingers
as shown. Position the body of the headset over the top of the ear and insert the
ear tip into theear. Rotate theheadset until it hooks intoposition over the topof
your ear. If theear tip is notsnugly positioned inyour ear,remove the headsetand
adjust the flexible arm by pressing it in the direction that will allow a more snug fit
on the ear. This is just one suggestion for putting it on and you may find a more
convenient wayof doingit. We encourageyouto try thisafew times,in front ofthe
mirror,until youfind themostcomfortable positionforyourself.
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