movethe headsetfromone device tothe next,use thefollowing procedure:
Turn off the phone or device to which it is currently connected or,turn
off theBluetooth function,or select“Disconnect Z-E-N” manually from
yourphone's menu options
Turn onthe headset
Depending on your phone model,you may have to initiate a Bluetooth
Connection usingthe phone. Thiscan be achievedby selecting 'connect
to Bluetooth device' from your phone's menu options (refer to your
phone's user manual), or for some phone models, by
the PINCHbutton for ,then releasing thebutton.
Turn offthe headset
Turn on the new phone or device you want to now connect with the
headset. You must have previously paired the headset with this phone
or deviceas describedin thepairing procedure
pressing and
holding 1 beep
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