The volume control in each mode (Hi-Fi Music,L-E-A-P 1,L-E-A-
P 2 or Phone) is entirely independent so changing the volume in one mode,
will notaffectthe othermodes.
When in eitherof these modes,the user may alsocustomize the audio. Refer
These headsetmodels allow theuserto plugin aCD orMP3 music player into
the headset'sCharging Port/Audio InputPort using theAudio Interface Cable
provided and listen to hi-fi audio when not on a call. On an incoming call,the
music will be muted to allow the user to hear the ring tones and answer the
call. At the end of the call,the music will be un-muted. To select this mode,
the SIDE button for ,then release. Adjust the volume
level. To exit this mode, the SIDE button for , then
The volume control in each mode (Hi-Fi Music,L-E-A-P 1,L-E-A-
P 2 or Phone) is entirely independent so changing the volume in one mode,
will notaffectthe othermodes.
the section onthe Graphic Equalizer.
Hi-Fi MusicAudio Input (ModelZ-350 and Z-470 only)
press and hold 2 beeps
press and hold 2 beeps
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