
EEC4 Installation Manual
A word about the Symbols used in the Manual
When driving from one destination to another, road signs prove to be invaluable. Road signs are an important source of
information. For example, road signs can warn you about potential problems ahead to help divert certain disaster or they
can let you know where to turn off for a rest or a meal.
In an effort to help you navigate your way through this manual we will from time to time use the following symbols:
Throughout the manual the NOTES symbol will appear to support what has been mentioned in the text. A
note can be used where further explanation is needed or where something needs highlighting. BE CAREFUL
to read all NOTES.
Sometimes it is helpful to take a break and really absorb what you just read. The WARNING symbol will alert
the reader to information that needs to be completely understood before you continue on in the reading of the
manual. ALWAYS STOP and READ these points.
The TIP symbol will be used when something mentioned in the text need more “light” shed on it. The tip could
explain or be a list of do’s and don’ts. Whatever the TIP is, you do not want to miss out on the information it