Table 15 UEFI Shell Commands (continued)
DefinitionUEFI Shell Command
Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directoryls
Displays or defines mappingsmap
Set/View memory configuration settingsmemconfig
Displays the memory mapmemmap
Creates one or more directoriesmkdir
Displays or modifies MEM/MMIO/IO/PCI/PCIE address spacemm
Displays or changes the console output device modemode
Mounts a file system on a block devicemount
one or more files or directories to another locationmv
Displays the protocols and agents associated with a handleopeninfo
Make a PAL procedure callpalproc
Prints a message and waits for keyboard inputpause
Displays PCI device list or PCI function configuration spacepci
Ping a target machine with UEFI network stackping
Reconnects one or more UEFI drivers to a devicereconnect
Resets the systemreset
Deletes one or more files or directoriesrm
Make a SAL procedure callsalproc
View/configure system security featuressecconfig
Sets serial port attributessermode
Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variablesset
Set the size of a filesetsize
Shifts batch file input parameter positionsshift
Displays SMBIOS informationsmbiosview
Stalls the processor for the specified number of microsecondsstall
Boot from tapetapeboot
Perform TFTP operationtftp
Displays or changes the current system timetime
Displays or sets time zone informationtimezone
Updates filename timestamp with current system date and timetouch
Displays file contentstype
Unloads a UEFI driverunload
Displays UEFI Firmware version informationver
Displays or changes a file system volume labelvol
Turn on/off extended character featuresxchar
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