2. Use the File Explorer menu to locate the correct driver.
Delete Driver Option
Use this option to remove driver options.
NOTE: This does not delete any files, applications or drivers from your server.
To remove driver options:
1. Press spacebar to toggle the checkbox for each driver that you want to delete.
2. Select Commit Changes and Exit to save the new settings and return to the Boot Maintenance
Change Driver Order
Use this option to change the load order of driver options.
To change the driver load order:
1. Select an item on the driver list.
2. Using the + and - keys, move the selection to the desired position in the book order list.
3. Press Enter when the item is in the desired position.
4. Select Commit Changes and Exit to save the new settings and return to the Boot Maintenance
Console Options
The Console Options menu is not currently supported. Use the conconfig command from the
UEFI Shell to set console options.
Boot From File
Use this option to manually run a specific application or driver.
NOTE: This option boots the selected application or driver one time only. When you exit the
application, you return to this menu.
Using the Boot Maintenance Manager 147