• VC Support Utility — Launch VC Support Utility – Interactive and enter version.
HP BladeSystem c-Class Virtual Connect Support Utility
Version 1.6.0 (Build 95)
Build Date: Oct 13 2010 07:03:49
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
All Rights Reserved
Please enter action ("help" for list): version
Please enter Onboard Administrator IP Address:
Please enter Onboard Administrator Username: Administrator
Please enter Onboard Administrator Password: *****
The target configuration is integrated into a Virtual Connect Domain. Please
enter the Virtual Connect Domain administrative user credentials to continue.
User Name: Administrator
Password: *****
Enclosure Bay Module Version
USE827CYVC 1 HP VC Flex-10 Enet Module 3.15 2010-10-09T07:18:16Z
USE827CYVC 2 HP VC Flex-10 Enet Module 3.15 2010-10-09T07:18:16Z
USE827CYVC 3 3Gb SAS Switch
USE827CYVC 4 Module not present Not available
USE827CYVC 5 HP VC 8Gb 24-Port FC 1.03 v6.1.0_49
USE827CYVC 6 HP VC 8Gb 24-Port FC 1.03 v6.1.0_49
USE827CYVC 7 HP 1/10Gb VC-Enet Module 3.15 2010-10-09T07:18:16Z
USE827CYVC 8 HP 1/10Gb VC-Enet Module 3.15 2010-10-09T07:18:16Z
Total execution time: 00:01:31
Press Return/Enter to exit...
Rules for server blade internal components
You may make need to remove or redistribute internal components across server blades before
beginning the upgrade. The following section contains additional information required for upgrades.
Processor loading and matching rules
There are two processor sockets on each blade: socket 0 and socket 1. Socket 0 of each blade
in the server must be filled. Any additional processors must be loaded in socket 1 of the blade in
the lowest numbered enclosure bay which has an empty socket 1.
Every processor must be of the same type and must have the following:
• The same core count.
• The same core frequency.
• The same cache size.
This can be checked using the following methods:
• Examine the part number marked on each processor and each blade to make sure they are
the same on each component.
• Examine the core count, core frequency, and cache size of each processor to ensure that
every processor in the upgrade is the same. This can be done by logging into the Monarch
iLO 3 MP, choosing the Command Menu, then entering df to display FRU information. Each
72 Optional components