Table 4 Site Inspection Checklist (continued)
Comment or DateCheck either Yes or No. If No, include comment number or date.
Is a network line available?8.
Is a telephone line available?9.
Are customer-supplied peripheral cables and LAN cables available
and of the proper type?
Are floor tiles in good condition and properly braced?11.
Is floor tile underside shiny or painted? If painted, judge the need
for particulate test.
Power and Lighting
NoYesArea or ConditionNumber
Are lighting levels adequate for maintenance?13.
Are AC outlets available for servicing needs (for example, laptop)?14.
Does the input voltage correspond to equipment specifications?15.
Is dual source power used? If so, identify types and evaluate
Does the input frequency correspond to equipment specifications?16.
Are lightning arrestors installed inside the building?17.
Is power conditioning equipment installed?18.
Is a dedicated branch circuit available for equipment?19.
Is the dedicated branch circuit less than 75 feet (22.86 m)?20.
Are the input circuit breakers adequate for equipment loads?21.
NoYesArea or ConditionNumber
Is an emergency power shutoff switch available?22.
Is a telephone available for emergency purposes?23.
Does the computer room have a fire protection system?24.
Does the computer room have antistatic flooring installed?25.
Do any equipment servicing hazards exist (loose ground wires,
poor lighting, and so on)?
NoYesArea or ConditionNumber
Can cooling be maintained between 5°C (41 °F) and 35°C (95
°F) (up to 1,525 m/5,000 ft)? Derate 1°C/305 m (34 °F/1,000
ft) above 1,525 m/5,000 ft and up to 3,048 m/10,000 ft.
Can temperature changes be held to 5°C (9 °F) per hour with tape
media? Can temperature changes be held to 20°C (36 °F) per hour
without tape media?
Can humidity level be maintained at 40% to 55% at 35°C (95 °F)
Are air-conditioning filters installed and clean?30.
12 Site preparation