Green = Network linkedNICs 1, 2, 3, 44
Green flashing = Network activity
Off = No link or activity
Green = Blade is acting as Monarch
and is powered on
Monarch power button / Monarch
power LED
Amber = Blade is acting as Monarch
and is in standby
Off = Blade is not Monarch
N/ASUV connector6
N/APhysical Presence Button7
Green = Blade is in a partitionPartition Identifier8
Off = Blade is not in a partition
Green = Server blade is powered onBlade power LED9
Amber = standby (auxiliary power
Off = Off
Green flashing = iLO 3 Active
Solid green or off = iLO 3 failure or no
standby power
iLO 3 Heartbeat (behind grill)See Figure 1 (page 94)
If the Onboard Administrator denies power to the server blade, the server blade returns to Standby mode.
Figure 1 iLO Heartbeat LED detail view
NOTE: The iLO heartbeat LED is visible when looking through the front grill of the Blade Link
nearest to the hard drive bays.
• If the blade is installed in a c7000 enclosure, then the LED is visible through the third and
fourth holes from the top of the blade in the leftmost row of holes.
• If the blade is installed in a c3000 enclosure, then the LED is visible through the third and
fourth holes from the left side of the blade in the bottommost row of holes.
94 Troubleshooting