Table 15 UEFI Shell Commands (continued)
DefinitionUEFI Shell Command
Copies one or more files or directories to another locationcp
Deconfigure/Reconfigure processor sockets and threadscpuconfig
Displays or changes the current system datedate
Displays one or more blocks from a block devicedblk
Manage direct boot profilesdbprofile
Set default valuesdefault
Displays the list of devices managed by UEFI driversdevices
Displays the UEFI Driver Model compliant device treedevtree
Displays UEFI handle informationdh
Disconnects one or more UEFI drivers from a devicedisconnect
Displays the contents of memorydmem
Displays, saves, loads or deletes all UEFI NVRAM variablesdmpstore
Displays the UEFI driver listdrivers
Invokes the Driver Configuration Protocoldrvcfg
Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocoldrvdiag
Controls batch file command echoing or displays a messageecho
Full screen editor for ASCII or UNICODE filesedit
Compress a fileeficompress
Decompress a fileefidecompress
View/Clear logserrdump
Exits the UEFI Shell environmentexit
Executes commands for each item in a set of itemsfor
Perform FTP operationftp
Forces batch file execution to jump to specified locationgoto
Displays all registered UEFI GUIDsguid
Displays the UEFI Shell command list or verbose command helphelp
Full screen hex editorhexedit
Executes commands in specified conditionsif
Modify the default IP address of UEFI network stackifconfig
Display hardware informationinfo
Take user input and place in UEFI variableinput
Deconfigure/Reconfigure IO components or settingsioconfig
Display LAN deviceslanaddress
LAN bootlanboot
Loads and optionally connects one or more UEFI driversload
Loads a PCI Option ROMloadpcirom
140 Utilities