L700 (CTL700) Installation and User’s Guide—527338-004
3 Installing the Tape Library
This section covers:
Installing the Expansion Frame
Follow these procedures to install an expansion frame for the tape library.
The tape library expansion frame adds 294 cartridge storage locations to the tape
library. This installation procedure should take about two hours.
1. Use a flat blade screwdriver to remove any theta stops from positions 1 and/or 3.
Refer to Figure 3-1. Only one theta stop should remain—the theta stop in position
2 (full capacity).
Installing the Expansion Frame 3-1
Tape Library Operating Options 3-6
Installing Cables 3-7
Connecting the Tape Library Power Cable 3-10
Terminate the SCSI Bus 3-12
After Installation is Complete 3-12
Note. The tape library automatically configures for 1/3, 2/3, or full capacity when the it is
powered on and the firmware is loaded. If the theta stops are not in the correct position, an
error results.
Caution. Two or more people are required to remove the expansion frame from its shipping
package and install the expansion frame.