
Component identification 87
Item Description Status
9 Processor 2 LED Amber = Failure
Off = Normal
10 PPM 2 LED Amber = Failure
Off = Normal
11 Hot-plug fan LEDs Amber = Failure or fan is not installed
Off = Normal
12 Internal system health LED Green = Normal (system on)
Amber = System health is degraded
Red = System health is critical
Off = Normal (system off)
External system health LED
(power supply)
Green = Normal (system on)
Amber = Redundant power supply failure
Red = Power supply failure. No operational power supplies.
Off = Normal (system off)
14 Overtemperature LED Red = Overheating, critical
Off = Normal
15 System power LED Green = System has AC power and is powered on
Amber = System has AC power and is in standby mode
Off = System has no AC power
* If all FBDIMM LEDs for a memory board are flashing, the memory board is unseated.