Introduction and Related Information
How this Install Guide is Organized
Chapter 110
How this Install Guide is Organized
Table 1-1
Chapter Section Content
Chapter 1
Installation and
Introduction This section introduces you to the
Install Guide and provides
suggestions for how to use it best.
Media Kit Contents This section describes themedia kit
that is shipped with new HP
servers, including software,
applications, release notes, etc.
New Features (and
Unsupported Features)
This sections describes new
features of the operating system
that shipped with your system, and
also describes any features that are
not supported.
Software Distribution
Media: Content Listings
This section consists of three
separate listings which describe the
software included on the
Application Release DVD, the
Operating System DVD, and other
software supported by this OS.
System Configurations This section provides summary and
detailed listings of the three HP
Itanium -based system
configurations, including processor
speeds, cache memory, supported
PCI interfaces cards, and other
Chapter 2
Installing HP-UX
11i Version 1.5
How to Plan Your HP-UX
This section provides a brief list of
information required to begin the
install procedure.
How to Install HP-UX 11i
Version 1.5
This section provides step-by-step
procedures for installing the OS.