Data Collection Tables
Appendix C 47
C Data Collection Tables
You will need to supply the information in the following tables when
installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20).
If you chose the guided install, you will be prompted for the information
in these tables at various stages throughout the install, by the HP-UX
Install Wizard.
If you chose the Advanced Install, you will be given the opportunity to
enter all of this information at the beginning of the install using a tabbed
file-folder character-based interface.
NOTE If you choose to network-enable your system, you must designate a
unique host name, host IP address, and other network information for
your server or workstation. Refer to your site network administrator for
those details to include in these tables.
If there is an HP-UX command that you can use after the install to
confirm specific information entered by a command, it is provided with
that command in the data collection table.
Table C-1 Network Information
Type of Information Your Specific Information How to confirm information
after system is up
Host Name uname -n
Host IP Address nslookup
Subnet Mask grep SUBNET_MASK
Default Gateway IP
netstat -r
Domain Name cat /etc/resolv.conf
DNS IP Address cat /etc/resolv.conf
DNS Domain Name grep NIS_DOMAIN