In Case of Trouble
Error Messages
Appendix B46
Error Messages
As an install progresses, you will see messages relating to the progress
being entered into the log file. These messages usually refer to normal
behavior. ERROR and WARNING messages, however, have the following
ERROR Indicates a serious problem, usually requiring action
from the user in order to proceed with an installation.
WARNING Indicates something out of the ordinary, but not fatal.
The warning may require action.
NOTE Indicates something out of the ordinary, but not fatal.
The note does not require action.
Known Error Messages
The following message is placed in the swagent.log and install.log
files after installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20):
* Installing fileset "HPvxvm.VXVM-KRN,r=B.11.20.%30" (12
of 274).
NOTE: The VxVM drivers have been added to the /stand/system
file. You must build the kernel and reboot. You need to
build the kernel and reboot only if the installation
process does not automatically do it for you.
Use " /usr/sbin/mk_kernel -s /stand/system " to build
the new kernel.
This message is produced because the is_kernel and is_reboot flags in the
fileset are not set properly. It is strictly informational and does not affect
the actual installation. A kernel build occurs automatically at the end of
the installation.