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3.4.3 Modify position in record totally
You modify the position in record of many steps in one program.
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Program: It is used to modify the position in record. First value is present selected
program number. Input the value when you need to modify it.
Step: It is the step range to modify position in record. Range value of Step is First
Step to Last Step. Input the value when you need to modify it.
Coord. fmt.: Select the Cartesian type or Angular type to modify the position data
recorded in step.
① Cartesian: Modify the position data in record according to the Cartesian type.
Input the value in X,Y,Z, RX,RY,RZ,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6.
② Axis : Modify the position data in record according to the angular type. Input
the value in X,Y,Z, RX,RY,RZ,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6. When you select the Angular type,
Display contents as follows.
14:39:38 ** Position modif
** A:0 S:4
Program: [ 99] Step:[ 1] ~ [ 9]
Coord.fmt.: <Cartesian,Axis>
(Hidden pose of the step is shifted.)
X =[ 0]mm T1=[ ]deg
Y =[ 0]mm T1=[ ]deg
Z =[ 0]mm T1=[ ]deg
RX=[ 0]deg T1=[ ]deg
RY=[ 0]deg T1=[ ]deg
RZ=[ 0]deg T1=[ ]deg
Select and Enter number. Press
1 - 999