
ASPI Disk Driver Command Line Options
INIDISK.SYS is a DOS block device driver for supporting SCSI fixed disks, removable
disks and MO devices. INIDISK.SYS is automatically loaded in CONFIG.SYS start up file
by the Initio DOSSETUP or SETUP programs. INIDISK.SYS requires that the Initio ASPI
Manager be loaded. INIDISK.SYS can be loaded with either the DEVICE= or
DEVICEHIGH= command. INICD.SYS can be found on the INI-9XXXU/9XXXUW DRIVER
. Below is a list of command line options and examples.
/R /r This option specifies the number of logical drives to reserve for MO and
removable disk devices. MO and removable disks media are capable of being parti-
tioned just like a fixed disk. For every DOS partition on the media a logical DOS drive
letter will be available. INIDISK.SYS will support as many logical drives as required (up to
the maximum supported by DOS) based on the partitioning of the media that is present
when your system boots. However, the media may be removed at any time and a new
disk may be inserted. The new disk may have more (or less) partitions then the original
disk. The /R /r option is used to reserved drive letters at start up in order to facilitate a
disk change to a disk with more partitions than the original disk present at boot time.
The value after the /R /r option determines how many drive letters will be reserved on a
device basis. For example, if the user specifies a /R4 option and there are two removable
devices attached to the SCSI bus, then a total of eight (8) drive letters will be reserved.
/T /t This option is used to specify a Time out value to be used when sending
commands to a SCSI drive. If a SCSI drive does not respond to a command within the
specified time out then the command will be aborted and an appropriate error message
will be displayed. The time out value is specified in minutes. Valid values are 1-9 and D
or d. The D or d values are used to Disable the time out mechanism. If the time out
mechanism is disabled then faulty hardware can lock up the system.
Examples: /T4
/X /x This option is used to exclude particular SCSI drives. Excluded SCSI drives are
identified by specifying the host adapter, target id and lun. These values are spereated
by a colon. Groups of SCSI drives (or wild cards) can also be identified. Below are
examples of the different ways SCSI drives can be excluded:
/X0:1:2 This will exclude the drive on Host Adapter 0, with target ID 1
and lun 2.
/X0:2 This will exclude the drive on Host Adapter 0, with target ID 2
and ANY lun
MS-DOS/Windows 3.1x Driver Installation