
Installing the Initio driver in a new SCO UNIX system
1 Insert the SCO UNIX N1 boot disk into the floppy drive and turn on the system. At the
SCO UNIX boot prompt, type: link < ENTER >.
2 The system will ask you what packages you want linked to the system; type: i91u <
ENTER >. The system at this point will boot into SCO UNIX. Please refer to the SCO
UNIX Documentation for additional information. When prompted by the installation,
insert the INI-9XXXU/9XXXUW DRIVER DISK 2 diskette into your floppy drive; Press <
3 Please refer to the SCO UNIX Documentation for additional information. You have
completed the installation of the SCO UNIX driver.
Adding the Initio driver to an existing SCO UNIX system
1 Insert the INI-9XXXU/9XXXUW DRIVER DISK 2 diskette into your floppy drive.
2 Type: installpkg under the command prompt, <ENTER>
3 The system will ask you what packages you wish to install.
Type: i91u < ENTER >
4 Change the directory and rebuild the UNIX kernel:
cd /etc/conf/cf.d < ENTER >
. /link_unix < ENTER >
5 You have completed the link procedure for the Initio device driver. Exit and reboot
the system.
SCO Unix Driver Installation