
The I/OHIGHWAY SCO UNIX device driver will support SCO UNIX System V/386 Release
3.2v4.0 or later, SCO Open Desktop v2.0, v3.0 or later, and SCO Open Server Release 3.0 &
5.0.x. The device driver is transferred from the floppy diskette to the hard drive where its
loaded during system initialization.
The installation of Initio device drivers to support SCO UNIX include the following
software files and may be found on the INI-9XXXU/9XXXUW DRIVER DISK 2.
Driver.o Device driver object file
Space.c Device driver definition file
Reference Documentation:
 SCO UNIX documentation, installation and users guide
 The systems setup and installation guide
 The documentation for system peripherals
 Initio documentation for the SCSI host adapter
The SCO UNIX drivers developed by Initio will be installed on the disk drive used for sys-
tem initialization. It is strongly suggested that the selected procedure be read and under-
stood before continuing with the system configuration or change. Please read the instruc-
tions carefully.
Updating interrupts and hardware settings
The following interrupt configuration settings are suggested as the most effective means
of providing a controller interrupt to the host adapter:
 Host Adapter interrupt levels available are 9,11, 15, (IRQ 11 is recommended)
 Avoid using interrupt 10 as the controller interrupt.
 Set first SCSI disk ID to 0 (first time install requirement)
 Set tape target ID to 2. (If tape is in use)
 Set CD-ROM target ID to 5. (If CD-ROM is in use)
Please Refer to your system documentation to set the interrupt levels and your peripheral
documentation for help in setting SCSI IDs.
SCO Unix Driver Installation