C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
Config DNS ISV Groups Command
Sets the mode of a service to standby for all hosts that currently
map to it.
Command Description
Config DNS Agents Commands
Command Description
config dns isvgroups
Moves to the config dns isvgroups command level.
config dns isvgroups
Displays configured information of all ISV Groups in this 7190.
For example:
ISV Group: isv2
State: Enabled Probe Interval:30 Probe Timeout:15
Primary Flash Src: Primary Flash Port:2000
Backup Flash Src: Backup Flash Port: 2000
ISV Group: isv3
State:Enabled Probe Interval:30 Probe Timeout:15
Primary Flash Src: Not Defined Primary Flash Port:0
Backup Flash Src: Not Defined Backup Flash Port:0
Probe Interval: How frequently the services in an ISV group are
polled for availability.
Probe Timeout: How long to wait for a response to an ISV service
availability poll.
create <isvname>
Creates an ISV group name. ISV name is the hostname of any
generic load balancer that you wish to configure.
For example:
create isv2
Creates the ‘isv2’ group.
delete <isvname>
Deletes a configured ISV group, specified by the ISV name.
rename <isvname>
new <isvname>
Changes the name of an existing ISV group to the new one
For example:
rename isv2 new generic2
changes the name ‘isv2’ to ‘generic2.’
Config DNS ISV-Groups Commands