Support Services
Intel® offers a range of support services for your new product. You can learn about the options
available for your area by visiting the Intel® support web site at http://www.intel.com/network/
services and choosing your geography.
Worldwide Access to Technical Support
Intel has technical support centers worldwide. Technicians who speak the local languages staff
many of the centers. Visit our web site at http://support.intel.com/.
North America only
For support, call (800) 838-7136 or (916) 377-7000.
Japan only
For support, call +81-298-47-0800.
Other areas
For support in other countries, use the following table to dial the toll-free support number. Using
the table, locate the country from which you are calling, dial the access number, await the dial tone
and then dial the listed 800 number.
Country Dialing Information
Australia Dial 1-800-881-011, await dial tone, dial 800-838-7136
Dial 10811, await dial tone, dial 800-838-7136
Hong Kong Dial 800-1111, await dial tone, dial 800-838-7136
Dial 000-117, await dial tone, dial 800-838-7136