Scenario 1
One Web site, two geographical sites (one server each), two
7190s, optional 7110s
An e-commerce company with a single Web site (www.mstd-
ex.com) wants to expand their site to two geographically dispersed
locations so that customers can be referred to the site that gives them
the fastest response time. They initially deploy only a single server at
each site (no load balancers), but they want the ability to expand as
the demand on their Web site increases.
Initially, a 7190 would be deployed at each site. Optional 7110s
could be deployed in front of each server for HTTPS traffic.
Since only one server is being deployed at each site no load
balancers are required. The 7190s is set up to monitor the health
of the Web site by performing a periodic HTTP probe of the main
Web page on each server. After verification that the initial
configuration is working properly, the balancing method is