Diaphragm Metering Pump MEMDOS E / DX
BW 1 04 02 / 7
Lutz-Jesco GmbH
Improved changes are always reserved without notice.
8. Maintenance
The diaphragm metering pump MEMDOS E/DX
requires little maintenance. The gear of the pump is
lubricated with gear oil of viscosity class ISO-VG
460 according to DIN 51519 (corresponds to SAE
80 according to DIN 51512). The enclosed first filling
must be renewed after approximately 500 operating
hours. Further oil changes should be carried out every
5,000 operating hours. The filling capacity is about
0.25 l for gears of MEMDOS E/DX up to size 150
and about 0.7 l for gears of MEMDOS E/DX up to
size 380. The actually required quantity of gear oil
can be determined by checking the min.-max.
markings of the oil-measuring stick.
DX version: To avoid damaging of the approximation
initiator, the pump must be switched off before
removing the oil gauge.
Replacing the diaphragm
In the case of a rupture the diaphragm can be
replaced as follows:
1. The chemical contained in the metering line
is drained so that the metering lines become
pressureless. Please observe the
aforementioned safety instructions for this
2. The flow rate of the metering pump is set to
zero while the motor is running. Thus the
diaphragm is moved to its front end position.
3. The head is removed using an appropriate
4. Grasped at the edge, the diaphragm can now
be turned out counterclockwise.
5. Before installing the new diaphragm, the
chemical must be removed from the
diaphragm flange section. Otherwise the
diaphragm might be attacked from the rear
6. The new diaphragm is turned in clockwise
until it sits close (lubricate thread).
7. The stroke adjustment is now set to
maximum while the motor is running.
8. Now the head is remounted by tightening it
carefully with the screws.
9. After connecting the metering lines the
pumps is started as described in section 6,
10.If the diahragm wear is excessively high, try
to find out the reason. Please refer to the
following section, troubleshooting.
External control:
Phono jack (cinch)
1 : Middle contact = input (+) brown
2 : Outer contact = 0 (ground) white
External control:
CSA - variant
3pin plug with cable
1 : Input (+,brown)
2 : 0 (ground, blue)
3 : Not used
Protective class of the control unit is only reached if ports are protected by caps or serial plug-in connectors
are used.