Page A-3
National Electrical Code (NEC)
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The following text contains excerpts of the National Electrical Code (NEC) that
relate to grounding your system. This text contains only portions of the Code,
as of the publication date of this Guide. For authoritative guidance, you should
consult the latest revision of the National Electrical Code, or a licensed electrician. Also,
before doing any installations in your area, it is important that you check for any local codes
that may affect the installation of the system.
Proper grounding is essential. Improperly grounded or ungrounded systems
could result in electrical shock, fire, and death.
250-1. SCOPE
This article covers general requirements for grounding and bonding of electrical
installations and specific requirements in (a) through (f) below.
(a) Systems, circuits and equipment required, permitted or not permitted to be
(b) Circuit conductors to be grounded on grounded systems.
(c) Location of grounding connections.
(d) Types and sizes of grounding and bonding conductors and electrodes.
(e) Methods of grounding and bonding.
(f) Conditions under which guards, isolation, or insulation may besubstituted for grounding.
If available on the premises at each building or structure served, each item (a) through (d)
below, and any made electrodes in accordance with Sections 250-83 (c) and (d), shall be
bonded together to form the grounding electrode system. Interior metal water piping located
more than 5 feet (152cm) from the point of entrance to the building shall not be used as a
conductor to interconnect the electrodes and the grounding electrode conductor. The bond-
ing jumper shall be installed in accordance with Sections 250-92(a) and (b), shall be sized in
accordance with Section 250-94, and shall be connected in the manner specified in Section
250-115. The unspliced grounding electrode conductor shall be permitted to run to any
convenient grounding electrode available in the grounding electrode system.