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National Electrical Code (NEC)
The grounding conductor shall be connected to the grounding electrode by exothermic
welding, listed lugs, listed pressure connectors, listed clamps, or other listed means.
Connections depending on solder shall not be used. Ground clamps shall be listed for the
materials of the grounding electrode and the grounding electrode conductor and, where used
on pipe, rod, or other buried electrodes, shall also be listed for direct soil burial. Not more
than one conductor shall be connected to the grounding electrode by a single clamp or
fitting unless the clamp or fitting is listed for multiple conductors. One of the methods
indicated in (a), (b), (c), or (d) below shall be used.
(a) Bolted clamp: A listed bolted clamp of cast bronze or brass, or plain or malleable iron.
(b) Pipe Fitting, Pipe Plug, etc.: A pipe fitting, pipe plug, or other approved device screwed
into a pipe or pipe fitting.
(c) Sheet-Metal-Strap Type Ground Clamp: A listed sheet-metal-strap type ground clamp
having a rigid metal base that seats on the electrode and having a strap of such material
and dimensions that it is not likely to stretch during or after installation.
Masts and metal structures supporting antennas shall be grounded in accordance with
Section 810-21.
Grounding conductors shall comply with (a) through (j) below.
(a) Material. The grounding conductor shall be of copper, aluminum, copper-clad steel,
bronze, or similar corrosion-resistant material.
(b) Insulation. Insulation on grounding conductors shall not be required.
(c) Supports. The grounding conductors shall be securely fastened in place and shall be
permitted to be directly attached to the surface wired over without the use of insulating
(d) Mechanical Protection. The grounding conductor shall be protected where exposed to
physical damage, or the size of the grounding conductors shall be increased
proportionately to compensate for the lack of protection.
(e) Run in Straight Line. The grounding conductor for an antenna mast or antenna dis-
charge unit shall be run in as straight a line as practicable from the mast or discharge
unit to the grounding electrode.