Page I-3
Hierarchy of Menus 3-6
High Speed Data Port 2-6
Highlighting a Choice in a List 3-8
Highlighting a Menu Option 3-7
Important System Information 7-17
Index Search 5-8
Info Button 2-2, 2-11
Service Center 1-1, A-25
World Wide Web home page 1-1
Infra-Red (IR) A-8
Insert Cassette 5-2
Adding Local or Cable Channels 3-14
Aiming the Antenna for the Strongest Signal 7-12
Attaching the Cable to the Grounding Block 7-10
Before You Start 6-3
Changing Modes on the Remote 3-2
Connecting the Recorder to a Telephone Line 7-15
Deleting a Channel from the Selected Channels
List 3-17
Finding a Clear Line of Sight 6-11
Finding the Direction and Elevation 6-10
Finding the Satellites 6-9
Fine-Tuning the Aim of the Satellite Antenna 7-12
Grounding and Wiring the Satellite Antenna 7-8
Installation and Setup Menu 3-11
Installing the Antenna Mount 7-2
Installing the Grounding Block 7-10
Installing the Satellite Antenna 7-1
Installing the Satellite Antenna on Metal Pole 7-6
Introduction 6-1
Locating the Satellites Approximately 6-9
Mounting Sites 6-13
Mounting the Antenna on Brick 6-15
Mounting the Antenna on Cinder Block 6-17
Mounting the Antenna on Siding 6-16
Mounting the Antenna on the Roof 6-18
Mounting the Antenna on Wood 6-19
Ordering Your Programming 7-17
Programming the Remote Control 4-39
Programming the Remote for Other Equipment 4-39
Remote Control Power Scan 4-41
Safety Recommendations 6-13, 6-14
Setting Parental and System Locks 4-19
Setting the Remote Address 3-2
Summary 6-2
Unpacking and Checking Contents 6-3
Weather and Wind Considerations 6-13
What You Need 6-6
What You Need to Have 6-6
What You Need to Know 6-6
Wiring from the Antenna to the Recorder 7-11
Wiring Your System Together 7-18
Your Broadcast TV Antenna 3-13
Installation and Setup 6-1
Installation Kit 6-7
Installing and Wiring Your System 7-1
Installing Batteries in the Remote 6-8
Installing the Antenna Mount 7-2
Installing the Antenna on Metal Pole 7-6
Installing the Grounding Block 7-10
Installing the Satellite Antenna 7-1
Introduction 1-1
ITR (Instant Timer Recording) 5-19
IR A-8
IR Remote 2-8
Viewing Programs in Other Languages 4-33
Limited Warranty A-26
Lists of Choices
Highlighting 3-8
Lists, Favorites 1-4, 4-14
LNBF 6-4, 7-18, A-8
Dual Output 6-4
Screw and Washers 6-5
Single Output 6-4
Support Arm 6-4
Local TV Link 3-13, A-8
Adding Local or Cable Channels 3-14
Deleting a Channel from the Selected Channels
List 3-17
Editing the Name of a Channel 3-19
Using Ch 000 in the Channels List 3-18
Your Broadcast TV Antenna 3-13
Locating the Satellites Approximately 6-9
Locking the System 4-25
Low Noise Block Downconverter with Integrated
Feedhorn (LNBF) 6-4
Manual Clock Setting 7-25
Manual Tracking 5-10
Mail, Electronic 1-4, 4-30
Reading Your Mail 4-30
Mast Assembly 6-5
Menu Button 2-2, 2-10
Menu Options 3-7
Highlighting 3-7, 3-8
Menu Structure 3-6
Menus 1-4
About Menus and Other Multiple-Choice
Screens 3-6
Displaying 3-7
Exiting 3-5
Important System Information 7-17
Installation and Setup 3-11
Main Menu 3-10
Menu Options 3-7
Multiple-Choice Lists 3-8
Point Dish and Signal Strength 6-11
System Diagnostic Tests 3-11
System Menu Structure 3-6
System Setup 1-2, 3-10
User Preferences 3-11