There are a number of important precautions that should
be taken when servicing electrical systems. Learn and ob-
Do not reverse the battery lead connections. This will
burn out the diodes in the electrical parts.
Always check battery condition before condemning other
parts of an electrical system. A fully charged battery is
required for conducting accurate electrical system tests.
The electrical parts should never be struck sharply, as
with a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard surface. Such
a shock to the parts can damage them.
To prevent damaging electrical parts, do not disconnect
the battery leads or any other electrical connections when
the ignition switch is on, or while the engine is running.
Because of the high current, never keep the starter button
depressed when the starter motor w ill not turn over, or the
current may burn out the starter motor windings.
Only use an illumination bulb rated for the voltage or
wattage specified in the wiring diagram, or the handle
cover could be warped by excessive heat radiated from
the bulb.
Take care not to short the leads that are directly con-
nected to the battery positive (+) terminal to chassis
Troubles may involve one or in some cases all items.
Never replace a defective part without determining what
CAUSED the failure. If the failure was caused by some
other item or items, they too must be repaired or replaced,
or the new replacement will soon fail again.
Make sure all connectors in the circuit are clean and tight,
and examine wires for signs of burning, fraying, etc. De-
fective wires and bad connections will affect electrical sys-
tem operation.
Measure coil and winding resistance when the part is cold
(at room temperature).
Color Codes:
BK Black G Green P Pink
BL Blue GY Gray PU Purple
BR Brown LB Light blue R Red
CH Chocolate LG
Light gr een W White
Dark green
O Orange