A-61140 January 2000 4-7
Code Function Code Name Description
F70 Length Monitor On/Off Allows you to turn the length monitor on or off. The length
monitor checks the length of the documents scanned
against the predefined minimum/maximum allowable
lengths. Messages and/or confirmation tones alert you if
the document is shorter or longer than the predefined
F71 Omit Length Monitor on the
Next Document Only
Allows you to omit length checking on the next document
scanned. Length monitoring will resume on subsequent
documents. Enter 1 to turn on or 0 to turn off, then press
F72 Skew Monitor Allows you to turn skew detection on or off which monitors
the amount of skew using predefined skew angle(s).
F73 Latched Flag On/Off Allows you to set a flag in the image headers which alerts
the host system that this document, and those which
follow, are of special interest. The flag will remain activated
for every document until it is turned off. Enter 1 to turn on
or 0 to turn off, then press Enter.
F74 Momentary Flag Allows you to set a flag in the image header which alerts
the host system that this document is of special interest.
This flag is set only for that one document. Enter 1 to turn
the momentary scanning flag on, then press Enter.
F75 Footswitch Confirmation
Allows you to turn the confirmation tone on or off which
informs you when the Footswitch is pressed and/or
released. Enter 1 to turn on or 0 to turn off, then press