6-4 A-61140 January 2000
Code Message Displayed Description/Action Required
Check correct IA/level Document image level assignment and next image
address input conflict.
Specify another document image level, or use the
Next key to enter a valid image address.
E127 Wait image buffr full The image buffer is too full. The feeder will stop
feeding documents, but the documents in the
transport system will continue to be scanned.
Scanning will automatically continue when the image
buffer is clear. No action is required. Wait for the
message to clear as the host retrieves images from
the scanner.
E128 Doc interval too narrow The document interval has become too narrow.
Check and adjust the feed and separator roller gap.
E132 Printer - not machine enabled Tried to use the Document Printer, but the accessory
is not enabled. Enter function code F40 to enable the
Document Printer.
E133 Bar Code - not machine
Tried to use the Bar Code Reader, but the accessory
is not enabled. Enter function code F60 to enable bar
code reading.
E134 Patch - not machine enabled Tried to use the Patch Reader, but the accessory is
not enabled. Enter function code F50 to enable the
Patch Reader.
E135 Printer hardware error Tried to use the Document Printer after an E207
Printer Hardware error was displayed at power-on
and the C key was used to clear the message. Press
C to clear the error condition.
E136 Bar Code hardware error Tried to use the Bar Code Reader after an E208 Bar
Code hardware error (or E640-645 Bar Code Health
Check error) was displayed at power-on and the C
key was used to clear the message. Press C to clear
the error condition.
E137 Footswitch - not machine set Tried to use the Footswitch, but the accessory is not
enabled. Call Service to change the mode
E138 Accessory off via Fnc code Tried to use an accessory that is enabled for the
current application mode but is currently disabled via
a function code. Press C to clear the error, then
press F and enter the function code that enables the
desired accessory.