A-61140 January 2000 8-19
Using the Read Rate
The Read Rate test option establishes the percentage of bar codes read
properly. This option is designed to provide a baseline value as well as the
current read rate. A comparison of the two values provides a measure of
machine performance over time.
When using the Read Rate test option, you can use Kodak Bar Code
Standard Test Documents or customer application documents.
To use the Read Rate test option:
1. Select 3: Rr.
BC Type =
1: EV 2: DP 3: Rr
2. Feed at least 100 test documents. As documents are fed into the
transport, the Doc Count value will increment.
BC Type =
Rate = % (@100)
When finished, the percentage (%) indicates the read rate of the
documents just processed.
NOTE: To stop the test and leave the percentages unchanged, press
Stop before the 100 documents have been processed.
• If using the Kodak Bar Code Standard Test document — if
the read rate is significantly lower than in the past, this could be
caused by a deficiency in the equipment. Perform required
maintenance and rerun the test. If the results of the second test
are similar to the first, contact Service.
• If using customer application documents — if the read rate is
significantly lower than in the past, this could be caused by a
deficiency in the bar code quality. Perform the Evaluate option to
determine the cause of the test results.
3. When the test is finished, press C to return to normal operation, or
press Stop to remain in the test environment.