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Chapter 5
PCI-1712/1712L User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
Analog Output Data Format
Table 5-4: Analog Output Data Format
Table 5-5: The corresponding Full Scale values for various Output
Voltage Ranges
5.3 Digital I/O Features
The PCI-1712/1712L supports 16 digital I/O channels. These I/O
channels are divided into two bytes: specifically a low byte, DIO0 to
DIO7; and a high byte, DIO8 to DIO15. You can use each byte as either
an input port or an output port by configuration register; and all eight
channels of the byte have the same configuration. For detailed
information, please refer to Appendix D.16 Digital I/O configuration
In digital I/O function, you do not need to specify the clock source or
trigger source. When you want to output data, you just need to write
the data to the digital output channel through software. In the same
way, you can use software to read the data from digital input channel.
The default configuration after power on, hardware reset or software
reset is to set all the digital I/O channels to logic-low so that users
need not worry about damaging external devices during system start
up or reset.
edocA/D egatloVgnippaM
.xeH .ceD ralopinU ralopiB
h000 d0 0 2/SF-
hFF7 d7402 BSL1-2/SF BSL1-
h008 d8402 2/SF 0
hFFF d5904 BSL1-SF BSL1-2/SF
BSL1 6904/SF 6904/SF
ralpinU ralopiB
egnaR SF egnaR SF
V5~0 5 V5± 01
V01~0 01 V01± 02
lanretxE Vx~0 x Vx± x2