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Chapter 6
PCI-1712/1712L User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
the AOn output code reads AI4+2n equals 0x0001.
8. Set the bipolar output range of AO0 and AO1 the same as the
reference voltage within -10 to +10 V.
9. Set the output value of AOn data register (BASE+0x0C) as
0x0800 and output to AOn.
10.Adjust teh associated bipolar offset register (BASE+0x2C) until
the AOn output code reads AI4+2n equals 0x0800.
11.Repeat steps 3 to 10 several times.
6.4 Calibration Utility
The calibration utility,AutoCali, provides four functions - auto A/D
calibration, auto D/A calibration, manual A/D calibration and manual D/
A calibration. The program helps the user to easily finish the calibra-
tion procedures automatically; however, the user can calibrate the PCI-
1712/1712L manually. Sections 6.2 and 6.3 illustrated the standard
calibration procedures for your reference. If you want to calibrate the
hardware in your own way, these two sections will guide you.
The following steps will guide you through the PCI-1712/1712L
software calibration.
Step 1: Access the calibration utility program AutoCali.exe from the
default location:
C:\Program Files\Advantech\ADSAPI\Utility\PCI1712
✎ If you installed the program to another directory, you can find this
program in the corresponding subfolders in your destination directory.
Step 2: Select PCI-1712/1712L in the ADSDAQ dialog box.
Figure 6-2: Selecting the device you want to calibrate