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PCI-1712/1712L User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
0 means the data on AD11 to AD0 is stored before trigger.
1 means the data on AD11 to AD0 is stored after trigger.
The trigger event flag plays an important role in post-, delay-, about-
and pre-trigger acquisition modes. For detailed information, please
refer to Chapter 5.1 Analog Input Features.
D.5 A/D Channel Range Setting Write BASE+2
Each A/D channel has its own input range, controlled by a gain code
stored in on-board RAM.
To change the A/D channel input range for a channel:
w Write the same channel in Write BASE+4 bit 0 to bit 3 (the start
channel) and bit 8 to bit 11 (the stop channel).
w Write the gain code to Write BASE+2 bit 0 to bit2.
w Write 0 or 1 to Write BASE+2 bit 4 to set unipolar or bipolar input.
Table D-3: Register for A/D channel range setting
S/D Single-ended or Differential
0 means the channel is single-ended input.
1 means the channel is differential input.
B/U Bipolar or Unipolar
0 means the channel is bipolar.
1 means the channel is unipolar.
G2 to G0 Gain Code
.ddAesaB 51 41 31 21 11 01 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 W
D/S U/B 2G 1G 0G