Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
It is of course possible to use this format file with surveyed points
that were not coded. For these points, a default value would be
assigned to these points.
It is possible to edit the default values that are assigned to points that
do not contain data for the export variables that are being used.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Formats .
The following dialog box will appear. Select the Default values tab.
This shows the current default settings.
ØChange the String default value to be NULL.
This means that when this format file is used, any point surveyed
without a code will be given the value NULL.
ØClick OK.
It is also possible to change the default values for
Floating-Point variables (such as coordinate values)
and Integer variables (such as angular values). Refer
to Appendix B for a complete description of the use of
the Settings dialog box.
The export formatstring and the format file is now complete and
needs to be saved.
ØFrom the File menu choose Save as...
ØChoose the directory where you wish to save this format file. Give
the format file a file name and click OK. The .frt extension is
automatically added.
It is recommended that all format files are stored in the
same directory.