
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why has my data not come out on separate lines? It has
scrolled around the screen.
This is because you have not pressed ENTER at the end of the
output string. You must enter the complete output for a format file and
the carriage return / line feed to create a new line is part of that
format. This also applies to any footers, headers or block titles.
Q. Why do I see 1.00 for my local heights? I can see the
proper heights in SKI-Pro.
You see 1.00 because this is the default export value for floating
point export variables when you install Format Manager. This means
that the export variable you have selected does not contain data.
Check you have selected the correct export variable for your local
Remember the Target (Elev) export variable will output local
orthometric heights. The Local Ellipsoidal Height export variable
will output local ellipsoidal heights.
Q. Why are there so many export
formatstrings in the tree view? Do I always
have to use the Fixpoint exportstring folder?
Using the different formatstring "folders" allows
data of certain specific types to be grouped
You require GPS data to be output in a format that is similar as
shown below
Job Details...
Name of job, Creator etc
Point Details...
Point ID, coordinates, CQ etc
Baseline Information...
Baseline lengths etc
Each "type" of data (Job, Point details, Baseline information) is
grouped together in blocks which allows complex format outputs to
be created.
However, the vast majority of format outputs can be created by just
using the Fixpoint folder.
Not every export variable can be used in every folder.
For example the Baseline Cofactor Qzz export
variable could not be used in the Job folder. The
baseline cofactor information would simply not be