Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix B - The Setting Options
This Appendix describes the different format options that are
possible using the Settings dialog box. This is accessed from the
Options menu or from the Toolbar select Formats .
The use of the options within this dialog box allows the Units,
Scaling factors and the export variable Default values to be set.
Scales can be defined for all export variable types. All export
variables will then be mutiplied by the specific scale factor.
Example (using Easting of 123456.12345):
In the example below, the linear scale is set to 1000.
Output - 123456123.45
If you wish to use scaling for an export variable,
remember to set the Allow scaling flag for that export
variable. Refer to Appendix A.
If you wish the scaling values also to be used in every
subsequent format file you create, you should select
the Use for every new format option.