(If you are starting at your current position or the current cursor posi-
tion, you are already at the starting spot.)
4. Set the first route waypoint: press
ENT. In this example, we moved to
the entrance of the cove where our boat was docked to start our route to
a promising fishing spot next to an oil platform. (Creating this example
route is illustrated in the following figures.)
Route creation sequence, from left: Fig. 1. Set route waypoint (1) at the
cove entrance. Fig. 2. Move cursor northeast to set point (2) at channel
entrance. Fig. 3. With point (2) set, move cursor southeast to mark
channel exit with waypoint (3). In figures 2 and 3, notice the rubber
band line extending from the previously set waypoint to the cursor.
This line will become the course for the route.
Route creation sequence, continued: Fig. 4. Point (3) set at channel mouth.
Fig. 5. Waypoint (4) set further south along the beach, at a recognizable
landmark (Bob Hall Pier). Waypoint PLFM Q W ends the route at an oil
platform some distance from the shore. Fig. 6. Press EXIT to save the route
and you return to this screen.