The following figure shows the various components of the Ice Flasher
page display.
Ice Flasher page. Temp display requires
optional TS-2U temp sensor.
Sensitivity and Auto Sensitivity are described in detail in Sec. 4. To ad-
just sensitivity on the Flasher or Ice Flasher page, simply press ↑ to in-
crease sensitivity and press ↓ to decrease sensitivity. The changes are
displayed on the horizontal Sensitivity Control Bar. The Echo Strength
Color Scale also changes as you adjust sensitivity.
Setting Sensitivity for Ice Fishing
The IceMachine's basic operation is pretty easy, right out of the box. If
you're a sonar novice, try operating the unit with the automatic factory
default settings until you get a feel for how it's working.
As you're learning the basics however, Sensitivity is the one important
setting that you should adjust while ice fishing. We strongly recom-
mend you try the following method for "tuning" your sensitivity to
match the current water conditions. It will help you see your bait, cut
through any clutter in the water and dramatically show fish when they
move in to check your offering. As you learn to interpret the signals on
the flasher screen, you'll be able to modify your presentation based on
how fish react to your lure.
Bigger fish signal
at 15 feet.
Echo Strength
Digital Depth
Depth Range Scale
Battery capacity
Bottom Signal
Surface clutter
Small fish or
bait signals
Bottom ColorLine shows hard bottom
Surface signal