Trail Visible/Invisible and Other Trail Options
The name, maximum number of points in the trail, activity, and visi-
bility are all changed on the Edit Trail menu screen. The Active setting
determines whether or not the unit is recording new points for a par-
ticular trail.
On the Edit Trail menu, press ↓ or ↑ to highlight the section you wish
to change, then press
ENT. Make your changes, then press EXIT to erase
this menu.
You can also change the trail line color and pattern. For instructions,
see the entries on Edit a Trail Color and Edit a Trail in Sec. 8, Ad-
vanced GPS Operations.
Use the transparency menu to adjust the transparency of menu win-
dows. A high transparency allows you to continue monitoring the sonar
chart while adjusting feature settings, though the text of the menus
may fade until it is unreadable. A low transparency will usually make
menu text easier to read, at the cost of watching your sonar returns.
Experiment with this feature until you find the right level of transpar-
ency for your eyes.
Main Menu with Transparency command selected.
To adjust Menu Transparency level:
appears. Press ↑ or ↓ to move the bar. The lower end of the scale makes
the menus opaque; the upper end is maximum transparency.