Delta 1010 User Guide14
Control Panel Software
elta 1010 is a powerful audio interface with a variety of options and parameters
relating to its operation. After installing the Delta 1010 drivers, you can use the
Control Panel software to configure the various parameters of the interface. Since the
appearance and functionality of the Control Panel varies slightly between Windows XP
and Mac OS X, each operating system is covered separately in this guide.
Delta Control Panel for Windows XP
This section covers the Control Panel for Windows XP users. Mac OS X users should
skip to the following section of this User Guide to learn about the Mac OS X Control
To access the Delta Control Panel in Windows, double-click the M-Audio icon in the
system tray, or click Start > Control Panel and double-click the Delta 1010 Control
Panel icon. Your audio software may also allow you to access the Control Panel from
within the application itself.
Monitor Mixer Tab
In order to hear your Monitor Mix, you first need to route the Monitor Mixer’s output
signal to Delta 1010’s analog outputs 1/2 or to its S/PDIF output. This is done by
selecting “Monitor Mixer” from the H/W Out 1/2 or H/W Out S/PDIF column in the
Patchbay/Router tab.