31Delta 1010 User Guide
The input sources are described below:
• Software Out 1/2 through 7/8: These inputs correspond to the outputs of
your audio software.
• Monitor Mixer: This input corresponds to the output of the Delta 1010
Monitor Mixer. This audio source can only be routed to analog outputs 1-2
and/or the S/PDIF output.
• S/PDIF In: This input corresponds to the S/PDIF input.
• S/PDIF In Rev.: This corresponds to the S/PDIF input but swaps the left and
right channels.
• Analog In 1/2 through 7/8: These inputs correspond to the hardware
analog inputs of the Delta 1010 interface.
TIP: To restore the Router/Patchbay to its default settings, select the topmost radio
button in each column.
Hardware Settings Tab
The Hardware Settings tab gives you control over a variety of features of Delta 1010.
These features are grouped into the following sections:
NOTE: Some audio applications may make certain Control Panel settings
unavailable while the application is open. In this case, you will need to adjust these
settings through the audio application itself. This process varies from program to
program, but it is usually done through the application’s “Configuration” or “Audio
Settings” menu. Refer to your audio software’s documentation to learn how to do