19Delta 1010 User Guide
If you have connected a Word Clock device to your Delta 1010 and would like
to use that device’s clock as the master clock source, select Word Clock as the
source of Delta 1010’s master clock. This will slave Delta 1010 to the external
word clock device’s clock.
NOTE: It is possible to synchronize Delta 1010 through its Word Clock input
while simultaneously receiving signals at the S/PDIF input. However, all
connected digital input devices need to be synchronized to the same clock
source before the digital signals enter the Delta 1010 interface.
The box below the radio buttons indicates whether Delta 1010 is clocking to a
valid internal or external clock. It states “Locked” when the interface is locked to
a clock and “Unlocked” when Delta 1010 is not receiving a valid clock signal.
For more information about Clocking, please see Appendix A: Clocking at the
end of this guide and/or read the Digital Synchronization and Multi-Device Setup
Guide found on http://www.m-audio.com..
< CODEC SAMPLE RATE: This section lets you select the sampling rate of the
interface and determine the rate at which all of the digital components of Delta
1010 (A/D and D/A converters, Monitor Mixer, etc.) will operate. This section
also includes the following checkboxes:
• Rate Locked: The “Rate Locked” checkbox allows you to force Delta 1010 to
operate at the chosen sample rate. This will prohibit audio applications from
attempting to operate Delta 1010 at a sample rate other than the one selected
in the Control Panel.
By default, this box is left unchecked and allows your audio software to choose
any sample rate that is supported by the Delta 1010 hardware.
• Reset Rate When Idle: Check this box if you would like Delta 1010 to default
to the chosen sample rate when the interface is not actively being used by your
audio application.
NOTE: The Reset Rate When Idle box is provided as a convenience for
users who wish to play all sounds (such as Windows system sounds
(typically 22kHz), the output of your computer’s CD player (44.1kHz)
or DVD player software (typically 48kHz), etc.) through the Delta 1010
hardware. However, please be advised that doing so may cause the clock
rate to be changed, and this may result in a sample rate mismatch between
running audio applications. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend
users to turn off all system sounds and to only use Delta 1010 with their
audio software if possible. This will prevent possible issues related to
undesired pitch or speed changes of digital audio.
NOTE: Certain sample rate options are “grayed out” because Delta 1010
does not support these rates.