
* The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
Print Date * Manual Number Revision
Oct., 2009 SH(NA)-080898ENG-A First edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.01B
Nov., 2009 SH(NA)-080898ENG-B B edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.05F
Compatible with iQ Works
Jan.,2010 SH(NA)-080898ENG-C C edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.10L
MELSEC-L compatible, MELSEC-FX (MELSEC-FX buffer memory compatible), FA transparent (GX Works2
compatible, NC Configurator compatible), GT10 motion controller CPU (Q series) connection compatible
May,2010 SH(NA)-080898ENG-D D edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.14Q
Q50UDEH/Q100UDEH compatible, Q172DCPU-S1/Q173DCPU-S1 compatible, LJ72GF15-T2 compatible
GT16/GT15 GOT multi-drop connection compatible
Jun., 2010 SH(NA)-080898ENG-E E edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.17T
GT1675-VN, GT1672-VN, and GT1662-VN are added.
Q12DCCPU-V compatible, MELSEC-WS compatible, FA transparent (MX Component, MX Sheet and GX
LogViewer compatible)
Oct., 2010 SH(NA)-080898ENG-F F edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.19V
Compatible with CC-Link IE Field Network Ethernet adapter module
FA transparent in GOT multi-drop connection compatible
Station monitoring function (Inverter connection) compatible
FA transparent (MR Configurator2 compatible)
Jan., 2011 SH(NA)-080898ENG-G G edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.23Z
CC IE Control extended mode compatible
Inverter connection with 31 modules, device range expansion compatible
FA transparent in LCPU Logging Configuration Tool compatible
FA transparent in Ethernet connection between GOT and personal computer compatible
Apr., 2011 SH(NA)-080898ENG-H H edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.28E
GT1655-V is added.
Jul., 2011 SH(NA)-080898ENG-I I edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.31H
CC-Link IE Field Network compatible
Communication setting storage and error information notification in GOT multi-drop connection compatible
FA transparent (MX Component) in Ethernet connection between personal computer and GOT compatible
Device range expansion (D and W of QCPU and X, Y, Ww, and Wr of LCPU) compatible
Communication setting format 2 compatible
Oct., 2011 SH(NA)-080898ENG-J J edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.37P
GT14, GT12 are added.
Station shutoff function (Inverter connection) compatible
CC-Link IE Field Network compatible model (QS001CPU) are added.
Note about Ethernet connection (FXCPU) are added.
Jan., 2012 SH(NA)-080898ENG-K K edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.40S
"I/F Communication Setting" is compatible with "5V power supply".
CC-Link IE field extended device of QSCPU compatible
Station shutoff function for the network connection via PLC CPU compatible
Station number setting function compatible (multi-drop system information function expanded)
FA transparent in Ethernet connection between GOT and personal computer compatible (FXCPU, motion CPU,
RS-232/485 signal conversion adaptor is added.
3U-ENET-ADP is added.
Apr., 2012 SH(NA)-080898ENG-L L edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.45X
3GC compatible
Q172DSCPU/Q173DSCPU compatible
Jun., 2012 SH(NA)-080898ENG-M M edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.54G
Ethernet connection; Timeout time setting range is extended.
MELSERVO-J4 series compatible
Ping test at the GT14 main unit compatible
Sep., 2012 SH(NA)-080898ENG-N N edition: Compatible with GT Works3 (ELE) Version1.58L
Device G compatible