8.5 SAWC (Stress Analysis of Woven Composites)
J. Whitcomb, K. Woo, and S. Gundapaneni, “Macro Finite Element Analysis of
Textile Composites,” J. of Composite Materials, 28[7], 607-618, 1994.
J. Whitcomb, G. Kondagunta, and K. Woo, “Boundary Effects in Woven
Composites,” J. of Composite Materials, 29[ 4] , 507-524, 1995.
J. Whitcomb, K. Srirengan, and C. Chapman, “Evaluation of Homogenization for
Global/Local Stress Analysis of Textile Composites,” presented at
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 35th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and
Materials Conference, Hilton Head, SC, April 18-20, 1994.
“Stress Analysis of Woven Composites.” The manual lists the input required for
each of the three programs included in this package. The input required for the
mesh generation code, PWMeshGen, is straight-forward, although some terms
are not defined. The finite element code Flex94 involves some complex,
nonstandard input. For the plain weave geometry, the input file for Flex94 is
automatically generated by PWMeshGen. Many of the concepts and terms are not
defined in the manual. The user must be familiar with the reference material to grasp
the analysis the code is performing.
FORTRAN, C, and C++ code. Graphics utilities require the use of the openGL
graphics library, and the MOTIF user interface.