
44 – B4 II
If you want to rename a preset, double click on its name and type in a new
To store a preset you should use the Store To command. This important
command lets you store presets in a location other than your currently selected
preset. After clicking Store To you select the desired preset slot on the preset
list and your new sound will get stored. Be careful, though, you will overwrite
the preset that formerly dwelled in that location
The B4 also sports a small MIDI le player. You can use it via the following
Audition Buttons: We have prepared some MIDI recordings to help you test
sounds. Pattern one plays a short jazz pattern, with number two it is blues
and rock for number three.
Play: Toggles playback of the currently loaded midile on and off. This acts
as a combined play/pause button.
Stop: Stops playback of the currently loaded midile.
Open Midile: Opens a midile to be played by your B4 organ.
The next bunch of buttons deal with managing the preset list and with import
and export of presets to and from disk.