B4 II – 61
Rotator Controls
The rotating speaker simulation (Rotator) speeds up and slows down realistically
when operating this switch (which responds to the MIDI Mod-Wheel control).
The rotation speeds and acceleration characteristics can be adjusted with
complete exibility in the Expert View.
The Rotator effect can also be disabled for straight organ sounds by using the
rotor brake. When switching the brake to Stop you will hear that it does not
simply switch the effect, but that the rotor decelerates down to a complete
halt. Switching to Run accelerates the rotor back to speed.
The best way to use the Rotator features is having two footswitches – one for
switching the speed and one for the brake.
Note: The rst generation Leslie cabinets did not have the brake feature.
It was later introduced and became a much used feature.
Expression Pedal
The Expression Pedal (or Swell Pedal) is used to dynamically vary the
instrument’s volume for expressive playing.
Note: The Expression Pedal setting is not saved with presets – it is a
performance control only.