B4 II – 45
List Operations
Store To: After clicking Store To you select the desired preset slot on the preset
list and your current settings are stored into that preset slot.
Delete: This command deletes the currently selected preset, leaving an empty
preset slot.
Compact List: This command pushes all empty preset slots to the end of the
list. All presets will get renumbered accordingly.
Protect!: If toggled on, this option prevents all presets from being overwritten.
The memory is protected.
Undo: By clicking Undo the last command in the preset view gets undone.
You can step back up to 30 commands. When you save the list as a complete
package, the undo stack gets deleted.
Redo: By clicking Redo the last command that got undone with the Undo
function is executed again.
File Operations
Load: This command imports all 120 presets from a preset le into the B4’s
preset memory. This is how you load presets from NI or other B4 users.
Save: The Save option exports all 120 presets from the B4’s preset memory
to a preset le.
Under Windows, the lename extension for a le with 120 presets is b4a.
Load Single: This command will import a single preset from a preset le. The
contents of the le are loaded as the current sound setting without affecting
the preset memories. It is loaded into the preset buffer.
Save Single: This command exports the current sound setting as a single
preset to a preset le.
Under Windows, the lename extension for a le with one preset is b4p.