
Data Network Terminal Single-port and Multiport Operating Instructions
106 (128) © Nokia Corporation DN01145897
Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue2-0en
This setting can allow the port to react to a RL request (ITU-T V.54) incoming
from the line or prevent this to happen. If the RL control is allowed, a digital loop
(loop to line) is established in the port if a request has been detected from the
incoming data.
V-type interface settings (6,4, port #,3)
Synchronous or asynchronous (6,4, port #,3,1)
The asynchronous or synchronous conversion according to ITU-T V.14. is
possible using the V.28 adapter in multiport versions in port 2 or 3. The
conversion is available when bit rates 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200
bit/s are used. No other adapter can be used for this purpose.
This option allows you to use the asynchronous character length. The bit
number includes start, data, and stop bits (8 bits: 1 start + 6 data + 1 stop).
CT103 timing (6,4, port #,3,2)
The timing of the data coming from DTE can be selected either by circuit
113 (external, coming from DTE) or circuit 114 (internal generated by the
DNT port), see Figures 78 and 79.
This suboption, which does not force DNT2Mi to synchronise to an
external clock source, allows you to select a clock to be used to get data into
the DNT port.
The synchronisation of the equipment is described in Section 9.3.3.